Consolas Font is a monospaced typeface family that is Luc De Groot designed this staggering font. After releasing the font, It has become one of the most usable members of the ClearType Font collections. Microsoft Typography has released this typeface in 2004. Rendering Technology was used in the designing of this typeface. If you want to make a design that can seize all the attraction of its viewer then definitely use this font with the pairing of Constitution Font.
Download the Consolas free font. Detailed information on the Consolas font: license; glyphs; specimens; for OS: Windows, Mac, Linux; for programs: Microsoft Word. Madden 08 Mac Download Free Download Consolas Font For Mac App Store Mac Mini Long Drive Pe Chal Mp3 Song Free Download 2017 Glock Armorers Manual Symbolmt Font Mac Download Propellerhead Reason 4 Free Full Version Spss Amos For Mac Download Download Retro Games For Mac Apple Macbook Pro 15.4.
This typeface can also use in many Microsoft operating systems including Windows Vista, Microsoft Office 2007, Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, many others. This typeface especially becomes the main font of the Windows Visa and can support all the TRUETYPE features. It also can use on various platforms such as MAC and Android devices.
For god's sake, don't treat it like a programming font, because this is the best general-use sans-serif font. The humanist letterforms and the balanced monospace design are surely a great combination. Not to mention, unlike many other fonts, Consolas is the one to get character shapes 'right'. When moving over to the Mac I wanted to have the same font in Xcode.?A bit of searching around the web I found a great resource,?Install Microsoft?s Consolas Font on Mac OS X? The gist of it is: Download the Open XML File Format Converter for Mac from the Microsoft Mactopia download page.
The current version of this typeface can be supporting up to 2735 unique glyphs and different characters. If you want to make an instant design then use its free online font generator tool without downloading it on your OS.
Usage of Consolas Font
It provides great facilities for print media and display purposes. You can make unique designs with the use of this high-quality typeface such as business cards, gift cards, printing projects, logo designs, lengthy paragraphs, t-shirt and mug designs, and many other related designs.
You can also use this for your website’s header and footer purposes. Consolas Font is also suitable for documentation purposes, hotel/shot names, contents, general reports, social media posts, descriptions, presentations, and even in offline/online newspapers.
Consolas Font Family View
Font Information
Name | Consolas Font |
Designer | Luc de Groot |
Style | Monospaced |
File Format | OTF, TTF |
License | Free Version |
License Information
This is a freeware typeface that is free from all the restrictions and can freely use in any type of design project such as personal and commercial.
Consolas Font Family (Includes 4 Typeface)
- Consolas Regular
- Consolas Bold
- Consolas Bold Italic
- Consolas Italic
Similar Fonts to Helvetica Font (Related Fonts)
- Inconsolata Font
- Gibson Font
- Andale Mono Font
- Source Code Pro Font
Consolas Font Free Download
We are providing a free and full version of this font and you can simply click on the below download link to download it on your operating systems. You can utilize this version in all your graphic design projects.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Is consolas font free?
This font is a freeware typeface that has an open-source license. and can use for any type of graphic design project such as commercial or personal.
Is consolas a good font?
This font is highly required in such programming environments and other designing fields, where a monospaced typeface is highly needed. It has the same width as old typewriters.
How do I get consolas font on my Mac?
Go to the download section of our website and then click on the link, then go to its TTF zip file and extract it on your MAC and click on the install option in the extractor fil and it will be installed on your MAC in a minute.
Who made Consolas font?
This is a monospaced typeface family and the designer of this extraordinary font is a great and notable typefaces designer Luc(as) de Groot. It is also a part of the Clear Font Collection.
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