Mac Free Database Software

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  • Database Software Icons v.2012.1High quality icons catch user's attention and make the first impression of a program thus playing a key part in building the image of any software and its developer. Have no restraints in choosing an icon of your dream with DatabaseSoftware Icons.
  • DayOffNet v.2.18DayOffNet is a simpledatabasesoftware used to manage all the employee's day-off & vacation application inside company. It will generate report on each employee's vacation sub-total. Employee will be grouped separately for analysis. Fully compatible ..
  • LuggagetNet v.2.18LuggageNet is a simpledatabasesoftware used to manage all the Luggage product of your company. It will generate catalogue, product detail sheet. The catalogue can send through email or save to CD Rom. Fully compatible to Window operating ..
  • Multi-DBServer X v.1.6Multi-DBServer X 1.6 offers you a useful and simpledatabase server whose basic structure is simply a TCP/IP socket connection that can pass data to and from on. The MDBS was primarily designed to help the RealBasic developer to set up a cost ..
  • Jreepad - Java Treepad Editor v.1.5.1Amazingly simple, amazingly useful, personal databasesoftware (based on the windows-only Treepad program). Simply store your notes in a single tree structure. Excellent for lists, outlines, document ..
  • Prompt! teleprompter for Mac OSX v.6.1.1Prompt! is an affordable simple teleprompter software solution for Mac and Windows. User configurable, Prompt! can save in it's own format and .txt to share between users on Mac and Windows. Just shoot your talent while they read the screen.
  • Hostal for Mac OS v.1.4.5User friendly DNS databasesoftware for novices and advanced users. Allows local IP address mapping by creating a Hosts file for your computer. Local IP mapping can help speed up web surfing, and allows content filtering and privacy protection by ..
  • Desk Quote Professional v.5. 9. 2009Desk Quote Professional is a poweful application which offers users to manage their business in a professional manner.Desk Quote Professional has been tested on a full range of computers that run XP Vista and Windows 7 operating systems 32 bit and ..
  • GDBUtil v.1.0The Generic Database Utility - GDBUtil - is a highly configurable database browsing tool using jdbc. A simpledatabase console is provided for ad hoc queries. GDBUtil is realized as an Eclipse 3.4 RCP ..
  1. Free Database Software Gui
  2. Simple Database Software
  3. Free Mac Software Downloads
  4. Mac Free Database Software Download
  5. Free Database Software For Mac Like Access

Free Database Software Gui

  • Java SQLBeans v.1.0This project contains some java beans that make it possible to write simpledatabase applications by using ..
  • OpenMoka, the easy ERP v.1.0OpenMoka is a simple ERP software (gestionale) written in java, jsp, jsf to manage a small company. You can create invoices (fattura/fatture), orders and control your customers(clienti). It is translated in english and ..
  • Relational Databases to OO Classes v.0.1.0rdb2oo is a project to create source code for classes which correspond to tables in a relational database.rdb2oo is also about creating an object oriented abstraction layer for simpledatabase ..
  • The PartyTime Photo Community v.0.8Share you digital pictures online. Allow your viewers to comment on the pictures!Based on PERL CGI-BIN. No databasesoftware required. Java Servlet/XML version in ..
  • GIntegrator v.0.4GIntegrator is a lightweight and simple integration software. With GIntegrator, users can build a SOA-based environment easily. GIntegrator runs atop a JVM and uses a very easy language to describe message routing rules that leverages the EIP principles.
  • Index Cards v.0.01Index Cards Library is an Java library implementation of 3x5 index cards. It's just a simpledatabase. Implementation of a display is up to the developer who uses the library.
  • Database Icon Set v.2010.1Database Icon Set is a collection of appealing hand-made icons for use in various database products, including software applications, information web sites and presentations. The icons have bright color palette, smooth and well-rounded edges.
  • Perfect Database Icons v.2011.5Perfect Database Icons is a collection of wonderful hand-made icons for use in various database products, including software applications, information web sites and presentations. The icons have bright color palette, smooth and well-rounded edges.
  • Perfect Database Icons for Mac OS v.2009.3A collection of royalty-free ready-made icons for use in various database products, including software applications, information websites and presentations. The icons have been carefully created pixel by pixel by professional artists. They shine ..
  • Glossy Data Icons v.2012.1If you need a great-looking set of toolbar and menu icons for your new database application, make sure to try Glossy Data Icons! It is a collection of pro-level and high-quality interface icons that will suit any modern database projects.
  • DBVA for NetBeans for Windows v.6.0DBVA for NetBeans, a sophisticated Object to Relational mapping designer and code generator to you. DBVA-NB generate real executable persistence code, persistence layer and database (DDL or direct execute to the database). You can focus on developing ..

Simple Database Software

Simple Database Software software by TitlePopularityFreewareLinuxMac

Open Microsoft Access database on your Mac with Access Database Manager, you can view data easily with Filter, Sort, Paging, and export data or schema to other databases. With the In-App Purchase 'Edit Data' and 'DB Creator' you can even edit it directly on your Mac, create new databases and new tables.


Free Mac Software Downloads

Today's Top Ten Downloads for Simple Database Software

Rainmeter macos. Some free products. Simple and easy to use but the navigation changes frequently. Teradata Express. Free version of Teradata Database. Offers comprehensive, easy-to-use features but requires VMware software to run. Sep 08, 2021 M9P Database v.1.2 m9P Database is a stand-alone database builder and manager for individuals and businesses. It allows for multiple users and each database is. The best free landscape design software is SketchUp Free. May 13, 2021 It is an Open-Source Database Software that provides users with adaptability for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It is accessible in a large number of languages from Python, Java, C and many more. It is best known for the flexibility as well as the scalability of the data provided.

Mac Free Database Software Download

  • Night Club Booking Software Install our Night Club Booking Software on your website by
  • Standard Software Icons Standard Software Icons is large set of eye-caching
  • RationalPlan Project Management Software RationalPlan Project Management Software is a powerful
  • 123 Flash Chat Software Mac 123 Flash Chat Software can add a chat room to your
  • Disketch Disc Label Software Free Mac Disketch is a free CD and DVD disc labeling software for
  • Lawyers Software for MAC The Lawyers Software designed specifically to be used on
  • ChromaPhoto Pro-Green-screen-software Once you have photographed your talent in front of a green
  • Perfect Database Icons for Mac OS A collection of royalty-free ready-made icons for use in
  • Glossy Data Icons If you need a great-looking set of toolbar and menu icons
  • Database Software Icons High quality icons catch user's attention and make the first

Free Database Software For Mac Like Access

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