Mac Android Studio Emulator
The purpose of this section is to guide you to create in your development environment an Android emulator.
- Android Studio Mac Emulator
- Mac Android Studio Sdk Emulator Directory Is Missing
- Mac Android Studio No Emulator Installed
Android emulators are managed through a UI called AVD Manager
Install os 10.11. From the original on June 8, 2015. Increase in VRAM allocation for Intel HD Graphics 4000 GPU in Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan (in Japanese). Retrieved June 25, 2015. From the original on June 24, 2015.
AVD Manager has a nice interface when started from Android Studio.
Android Studio is the official development platform for Android Apps and Games developed by Google. Apart from the os, it can also simulate hardware functions such as GPS, motion sensors, multi-touch, etc. It can verify apps and can emulate different Android versions, including the latest Android 11 release. If you've installed Android Studio and Android SDK and adb is available, the emulator should be visible from Studio and work (deploy built apps, debug apps, etc. Every time it will convert your whole code to machine-level language, and then it will launch the application again. That’s why it takes a lot of time. To deal with this problem, Google has now made a button available in Android Studio. Using this allows the emulator to convert the only newly added code to the machine-level language. Install Free Android Emulator. Download it now: here. Believe it or not, you can actually use VirtualBox to create your own Android emulator for Mac. Download VirtualBox on your Mac machine, and then set it up with the necessary ISO image from
Start Android Studio app, then create a blank project.
Go to the Tools menu -> :Android -> AVD Manager:
If no emulator has been created you should start with this screen:
Click the Create Virtual Device button.
In the Select Hardware window , select Nexus 5 as shown in the following snapshot:
Click the Next button.
In the System Image, select the system image Nougat, API Level 25 , ABI x86 :
Click on the download link to download the selected System Image. This download process is done through SDK Manager.
Once the download is complete, click on the Next button.
In the Verify Configuration window, check any parameter :
Then click on the Finish button.
AVD Manager shows you the newly created device:
Click on the launch button to launch the newly created AVD in the emulator.
Notice in the Run Window of Android Studio the command line used to start the device:
which can be shortened to :
How to start Android Emulator from Terminal?
Stop the emulator started by Android Studio. Open the Terminal app and type the following command:
This should start the emulator with the selected AVD.
Image designed by Giridhar Reddy Vennapusa
Flutteris an open source mobile app development SDK from Google, used to build beautiful Native Android and iOS apps with a single codebase. Dart is the language used to develop Flutter apps.
Flutter is now out of beta andFlutter 1.0 was announced on Dec 4th.
This article covers how to install Flutter and the development environment, and also shares solutions for the most common requirements and issues faced in Flutter app development. The process below is more helpful for Android developers who want to try their hand at Flutter app development.
#1 —Setup
IDEs used to develop Flutter apps
Installation of Flutter
- Download Flutter Zip file.
- Extract Zip file.
- Add Flutter tool to the path from the terminal.
$ export PATH = $PATH: 'PWD'/flutter/bin
PWD → Present Working Directory.
This is a temporary path setting, so when you restart your system, you have to set the Flutter tool path again.
Note: To set the Flutter path permanently in MacOS and avoid setting on every restart, do as shown below in your MacOS terminal.
- touch .bash_profile
- open .bash_profile
- $ export PATH=$PATH: 'PWD'/flutter/bin
“PWD” → Present Working Directory.
To verify Flutter installation and version
- flutter doctor -v
#2— Android Studio Configuration
Welcome to the official subreddit of Bluestacks. BlueStacks App Player lets you run mobile apps fast and fullscreen on Windows. Download for free today at Created Aug 22, 2012. I've got a windows 10 arm instance inside parallels desktop on my air m1. Tried messing with windows compatibility settings on the bluestacks app, and a VM setting or two to try and get it to work. Every time I run bluestacks in windows 10 it quickly crashes while loading the bluestacks engine. Bluestacks MacBook m1 extension help Hello I’ve just bought a MacBook Air m1 Upon tons of research everyone is having issues installing blue stacks on the m1 computer with big sur. Everytime I go to install it, it asks me to verify the extension in privacy. Bluestacks macbook air m17.
Installation of Android Studio
To run the app in Android Emulator, you must install Android Studio to get the Android SDK and emulators.
- Download Android Studio and run the .dmg file. It will automatically install the latest Android SDK.
Android Studio Mac Emulator
Add Dart Plugin to Android Studio
If you prefer to use Android Studio as your main IDE to develop Flutter, you have to set dart language support to Android Studio as shown below. From here we will be focusing more on Android Studio setup, but you could also use Visual Studio Code or IntelliJ (which is similar to Android Studio).
- Preferences → Plugins → Browse Repository → type Dart in search bar → Install and Restart Android Studio.
Add Flutter Plugin to Android Studio
- Preferences → Plugins → Browse Repository → type Flutter in search bar → Install and Restart Android Studio.
Create Android Emulator
- Tools → AVD Manager → Opens a window
- Select → Create Virtual Device
- Phone → Nexus 5X 5’2″ → Oreo x86 → Android 8.0 → AVD Name(Nexus 5X API 26) → Finish
- Select Nexus 5X API 26 emulator → click on Launch AVD(start) button
#3— iOS Simulator Setup
Installation of Xcode
- To execute the app in iOS simulator, we must install Xcode. Get Xcode from App Store and install.
Launch iOS Simulator from Android Studio
- You can see the Flutter Device Selection button below the toolbar in Android Studio.
- If you have already installed Xcode, clicking the Flutter Device Selection button opens the iOS simulator.
Useful iOS Simulator Commands
- Return to Home → Cmd+Shift+h
- See Recent Apps →Cmd+Shift+h+h
- Quit Simulator→Cmd+q
#4—Using Terminal to Run on Emulator or Simulator
Execute Flutter Apps from Terminal
- Run From Terminal → flutter run
- Run in all devices → flutter run -d all lib/welcome.dart
If your system is connected with multiple devices then, check the connected devices with this command → flutter devices
Running above command will list devices like below
SM G890UU • 4299a0c86788f678 • android-arm • Android 7.0 (API 24) (emulator)
Run in the selected device → flutter run -d 4299a0c86788f678
Check the specific design/run particular dart file in a selected device → flutter run -d 4299a0c86788f678 lib/main.dart
#5 — Flutter Project Structure
In this article, I am using Flutter with Android Studio.
Flutter Project Structure
In the Project section, the above screenshot shows the structure of the Flutter app.
- android: Has all the Android related files.
- iOS: Has all the iOS-related files.
- lib: Has all the dart files. This is the main folder, where we can write all the application code.
- test: Has all the testing code.
- images: I created this folder. This has all the images we used in our application.
- pubspec.yaml: Has all the third party dependencies and the assets we use in our application.
yaml — Yet Another MultiColumn Layout.
Add dependencies and images in pubspec.yaml file
flutter_rating is the third party dependency.
We have to specify assets in the pubspec.yaml. We can
specify file path with folder name and file name or only the folder name.
images/apple.jpeg → we can use only apple.jpeg image.
images/ → we can use all images that are in the images folder.
Make sure that dependencies are properly aligned with spaces. Otherwise, the images won’t display. This particular issue is hard to figure out if you are fairly new to Flutter or YAML.
#6 — How to Change App Name
In Android
Android folder → app → src → main → Open Manifest → change the label in Application tag.
In iOS
iOS folder → Runner → info.plist → Edit the string under CFBundleName
#7 — How to Change App Icon
In Android
Expand the Android folder → app → src → main → res → add app icons in mipmap folders.
Expand the Android folder → app → src → main → open Manifest → change the icon in Application tag.
In iOS
Mac Android Studio Sdk Emulator Directory Is Missing
Expand iOS folder → Runner → Assets.xcassets → AppIcon.appiconset
In that folder add all app icons.
Mac Android Studio No Emulator Installed
Expand iOS folder → Runner → Assets.xcassets → AppIcon.appiconset → update the Contents.json file.
#8 — How to change Splash Image
In Android
Expand Android folder → res → drawable → add image
Expand Android folder → res → drawable → in Launch_background.xml, add bitmap tag.
android:src=”@drawable/ios_android” />
In iOS
Expand iOS folder → Runner → Assets.xcassets → LaunchImage.imageset → add all sizes of splash images in the folder
Expand iOS folder → Runner → Assets.xcassets → LaunchImage.imageset → → open Contents.json → change file name
I hope the above setup instructions and advice on how to set a few basic requirements are useful for beginners in Flutter app development. As Flutter is now out of beta, I look forward to seeing more and more developers using Flutter for developing Android and iOS apps with a single codebase. For motivation, check out this Widgets Library website built by the Flutter community.